I wanted to make sure that Hannah would never forget me. I wanted every guy after me to know that they may love Hannah, but they would never be the guy who wrote those songs about her-the songs that mentioned her by name. I wanted proof for every living eye that Hannah and I added up to something and 20, 30 years from then that remnant would still add up to something. That was the first time she and I predicted the future together. It's sort of been our magic trick-our gimmick if you will. We've done it once or twice since then and we'll pull it off again successfully in about 16 days from now. We did it when we bought our tickets for the Black Keys/Arctic Monkeys concert five or six months in advance. We did it over Christmas break when we planned to go to Germany together during the middle month of summer. On the way home alone after the first time our lips touched I did say to myself, 'you're going to break up with that girl,' but I was also certain that we would stay together until logistics pulled us apart. But logistics can be a beautiful thing. It was because of logistics that the art project started. I was going to college not in Utah and I had a limited amount of time with Hannah to produce some material with substance to back up the claim. She was my art project. We were the art project. And now here it is...
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